We are pleased to announce the launch of online membership renewals for 2020.
The online renewal system has proven to be very popular with members, with almost 60% taking the opportunity to renew online and prepare their documents for the renewal of their Police Licences.
This year we are rewarding those who help us in achieving a smooth process. Members who avail themselves of this service and renew their membership renewals by Saturday 30 November will be able to print their 2020 documents as well as a voucher exchangeable with free drinks at the Association’s bar.
Physical renewals at the Association premises shall commence from Wednesday 4th December.
You will be directed to a page wherein you may chose to renew for 2019 (if you have not done that yet) and/or 2020. Click on the appropriate button;
A window will open asking for your membership number and your mobile number. You may select your email address as an option – this is recommended in the case of members whose mobile numbers are not local;
If your login details are correct, you will receive a 7-digit code in a text message to your mobile number or in an email to your email address, depending on which option you selected;
Enter the code in the space provided and you will be directed to your personal account, wherein you may review your details, upload a passport-type photo and update accordingly before proceeding to pay securely using your credit card;
Once payment has been effected, you will be able to download and/or print your documents, including the bar voucher.
Should you need any assistance please email us at info@amacs-malta.org or send a text message on number 7741 1600 and we shall phone you back.