The following is a Joint Statement issued by the Federation of Arms Collectors and Target Shooters Malta (FACTS), the Federation for Hunting and Conservation – Malta (FKNK), and the Malta Shooting Sport Federation (MSSF)

The Federation of Arms Collectors and Target Shooters Malta (FACTS), the
Federation for Hunting and Conservation – Malta (FKNK), and the Malta Shooting
Sport Federation (MSSF) recently met to discuss updates announced by the Malta
Police Force regarding firearms licensing requirements. Specifically, the discussion
focused on the introduction of an annual submission of the Firearms Health
Certificate Form for the renewal of firearms licenses.

While the federations welcome the centralisation of firearms transfers, which has
streamlined the process to allow for instant transactions, we also thank the Malta
Police Force for implementing this initiative, which had been requested by
stakeholders for a considerable period of time.

The federations support the principle of vetting and review measures aimed at
maintaining the integrity and safety of the licensed firearms community. To address
our members’ concerns and ensure that any changes are both balanced and
practical, we have formally requested a meeting with the Commissioner of Police.
However, the federations regret that they were neither consulted nor informed prior
to the issuance of the notice by the Malta Police Force, despite the significant impact
these changes have on the community. Furthermore, we acknowledge concerns
raised by our members regarding the annual health certification requirement, which
has been noted as an additional burden for the licensed firearms community.

Through open dialogue, we aim to represent the interests of our communities, which
include hunters, target shooters, clay pigeon shooters, and firearms collectors, while
fostering a shared commitment to responsible firearms ownership.

Issued on behalf of:
– Federation of Arms Collectors and Target Shooters Malta (FACTS)
– Federation for Hunting and Conservation – Malta (FKNK)
– Malta Shooting Sport Federation (MSSF)