“BATTLEFRONT Living History Group”, the WWII reenactment group forming part of AMACS, will be organising a series of events at Marsa this October in commemoration of when the George Cross was carried to this town to be displayed for the benefit of its inhabitants.
One of the events is a public exhibition that will be held in the town hall on Sunday 16th October. This will feature original artefacts that illustrate Malta’s role during WWII, including the war’s impact on civilians besides the action of its military, naval and aerial forces in defensive and offensive operations.
AMACS members are being invited to participate by offering to exhibit relevant pieces from their collections, which may include original arms, militaria, documents and photos relevant to the theme. All items will be handled with appropriate care and displayed securely.
Members wishing to collaborate in this exhibition should send an email to info@amacs-malta.org cc battlefrontmalta@gmail.com by 31st July latest. They will be contacted by the organising committee.