Calling all experienced rifle shooters! We have been challenged to a shooting competition by our Sicilian colleagues! This will take place at the Sniper Club range in Pedalino, Sicily on Saturday 9 October 2021.
The daylight competition will be open to the following types of rifles: AR, Hunting, Benchrest, Tactical. Participants will take part in two types of competitions: In the first match the shooter can use any type of front rest but the rifle has to be shouldered only, with no rear rest and the stock not touching the table. In the second match, front and rear rests are permitted as long as the rifle rests freely on both. Calibres are open and any type of scope can be used in both matches.
Every round consist of 11 targets (10 competition and 1 sighter) on a 10 minute shooting time basis at 200 metres. Every shooter shoots three such rounds for each of the two matches, and the best results will be calculted for the final score. This is a knock-out style competition.
If you are interested in joining us in taking up this challenge, please get in touch urgently with Vincent Gatt on 99499858 or gattvincent@hotmail.com. The participation fee is €50 for the duration of the competition.